I Got it!
Know that I love hearing from you. Your feedback helps me help you the best I can, so never hesitate to reach out!
Now, here's the rest of the email you can finish reading here 👇.
Xoxo, Christy-Faith 💕
As I 'threatened' yesterday, I might get a bit carried away here ...
Recently, an antagonistic public school teacher quipped in a comments section:
"Every homeschooler I’ve ever met is awkward and academically behind".
"YUCK! The Industrial Revolution just called, and they want their ‘assembly line education’ back …"
I know where she’s coming from, but if we know the system is not working, why would we remove our kids from the confines of schooling just to rebuild the same box at home? That’s one way to homeschool, but if you keep your homeschool world that small, you can get robbed of some amazing opportunities.
The reality is, the entire education system needs to be reimagined, and homeschool moms are at the forefront of this revolution. Why?
• No one knows our kids better than us
• There’s never been better resources to help us homeschool
• We know every kid has his/her own unique learning style, and that can’t be nurtured adequately in a room full of 30 other kids
• We want our children to be treated like individuals, not numbers (and rightfully so!)
• We wish the schools could offer an emotionally and physically safe learning environment, but they can’t
• Our kids have different interests and passions, but they are not allowed to dive in and explore those in the confines of the restrictive system–they are forced to learn according to the plan.
So, we need to do things differently.
That’s why I created my approach:
"Breaking the Cycle of Homeschool Anxiety"
Sounds fancy, dunnit?
Haha, well... as you can see I am desperately passionate about helping you make an amazing homeschool for your kids but also, guiding you, as the parent, to enjoy it too!
I’ve spent the last 20+ years analyzing educational practices…and I view education in a very different way.
My experience includes a 20+ year career in K-college academics and administration where I’ve worked in and instructed every level of education in a professional capacity.
The scope of my work involved counseling and educating parents as well as training and mentoring teachers.
In my career, I was a teacher’s teacher.
And I still am, it's just that you, moms and dads, are the teachers I’m equipping now!
This is me and Scott (now married 23 years) attempting to follow the cues of our family photographer to achieve an emotional shot, “put your hand on Scott’s face, Christy, and gaze out into the distance…” but clearly we aren’t able to pull it off (and this outtake more accurately depicts who we are anyway so here you go).
Over the years while running one of the most successful learning centers in the country, and working with thousands of students, hundreds of teachers, principals, psychologists, specialists, and parents, I’ve learned a LOT about education, why the system doesn’t understand what an education actually is, and how homeschooling just may be the answer many families are looking for.
I know how to get amazing academic outcomes, but I also realize that there is much more to a child’s education than “information.” But we have a hard time freeing ourselves from that mentality as homeschool parents.
The only way to escape homeschool anxiety is to DO THIS.
Instead of homeschooling in constant worry that you’re “doing it wrong," how about how about you embrace homeschooling as the worthy calling that it is and leave anxiety behind forever.
This is super cool for a few reasons:
#1 - Statistics prove over and that homeschooling results in better academic outcomes for kids
#2 - The majority of studies show homeschoolers are socially more healthy
#3 - Homeschooling gives families the connection and freedom that we all want
^^^ If all of this sounds like it's your bag, then you're in the right place and you're gonna love what we've got coming up.
So, how to get started?
Many moms have an idealistic view on what it takes to be a “good” homeschool mom. And tomorrow I’m going to share a little secret (let’s be honest…flaws about myself), to shatter the myth of the perfect homeschool mom.
See you there,
Christy-Faith 💕
(The girl who even salts her salads)
PS. It really does mean the world that we're communicating and I'd love to know, what’s your favorite part of homeschooling? Or if you are thinking about homeschooling, what are you most looking forward to? ? Message me and let me know....
Resource links below:
1) ✨FREE✨ How to Homeschool Guide
If you are just getting started with homeschooling, this is a wonderful place to start. Available now.
2) Talk about a lifesaver … Get the Homeschool Mom's Survival Guide 🤒 ➡️ 😅
Keep your homeschool household thriving on days when you're down for the count. It's OK to take a guilt-free sick day.
3) Where expert homeschool mentoring meets “I finally found my people” community … Check out Thrive 😍
Join us for homeschooling WISDOM, SUPPORT, AND COMMUNITY to make the homeschool life easier, life-giving, and fun. Check it out here.