Regardless of what style of homeschooler you are and your unique kids and challenges, you need to create a homeschool that works. Your Thrive membership ensures you are on the right track, with each of your kids, with each subject, and in every area of their homeschool life. The fear of accidentally forgetting something is over.
We're going to be connecting and I love that.
Before you leave, watch this 3 minute video ⬇️⬇️⬇️
build a homeschool that does right by your kids
Use the Homeschool Success Framework™ to create an undeniably successful homeschool.
It's time to defeat homeschool confusion and second-guessing forever.
How? Join Thrive.

"...I was terrified! Finding Thrive gave us tools and changed our entire approach.
...So much of what I didn't know I needed. Now I can't live without the information.
...Thrive changed/saved my homeschool."
Raquel / Thrive Member
The Homeschool Success Framework™
Find out where you are today in each of the 8 key areas of your homeschool.
The Framework is a way to take a good, hard look at each facet of your homeschool, and determine how you're doing, so you can uncover which areas need more attention.

See where you are excelling and where there is room for improvement.
Discover where the gaps are between where you are today and where you want to be.
But we don't leave you there- you'll also get the tools to close those gaps.
What is the 8-Step Framework? ⬇️
Define your mission and purpose
Make your homeschool compatible with you
Know what curriculum to buy
Find out if you're doing enough or if you're doing the right things
Be convinced (beyond a shadow of a doubt) that you are qualified
Get the proven step-by-step method to structure your homeschool days, months, and year
Learn to manage the household mayhem without loosing your mind
The secret sauce: How to fall in love your homeschool (and be proud of it)
*The Homeschool Success Framework™ is exclusively available in Thrive.*
Everything You Get
The Homeschool Success Framework
What you don't know can hurt your kids.The framework ensures you get this homeschooling thing done right.
5 Zooms per Month
Connect with Christy-Faith live to solve your homeschool challenges face to face.
LIVE Monthly Workshops
Vital masterclasses taught by Christy-Faith or guest expert. This is your professional development.
Direct Messaging w/ Mentors
This alone exceeds the value of your monthly membership.
Office Hours
Separate, dedicated zoom sessions for: Littles, Elementary & Teens. Day and evening sessions.
Supportive Community
Non-sectarian and non-political. Truly a "non-judgy", supportive place.
Free Deliverables
Open & go curriculum supplements.
Thrive Mentors
Lean on 60+ years of collective homeschool experience- there isn't a problem we haven't seen.
Membership Includes Access to the ENTIRE Workshop Library
($💰$ -Hundreds of dollars of content instantly- $😍$)
Here's just a few of our bestsellers you get the moment you join...
$34.97 FREE w/ Membership
$34.97 FREE w/ Membership
$34.97 FREE w/ Membership
$199.97 FREE w/ Membership
Everything You Get
The Homeschool Success Framework
What you don't know can hurt your kids.The framework ensures you get this homeschooling thing done right.
5 Zooms per Month
Connect with Christy-Faith live to solve your homeschool challenges face to face.
LIVE Monthly Workshops
Vital masterclasses taught by Christy-Faith or guest expert. This is your professional development.
Direct Messaging w/ Mentors
This alone exceeds the vale of your monthly membership.
Office Hours
Separate, dedicated zoom sessions for: Littles, Elementary, & Teens. Day and evening sessions.
Supportive Community
Non-sectarian and non-political. Truly a "non-judgy", supportive place.
Free Deliverables
Open & go curriculum supplements.
Thrive Mentors
Lean on 60+ years of collective homeschool experience- there isn't a problem we haven't seen.
Membership Includes Access to the ENTIRE Workshop Library
($💰$ -Hundreds of dollars of content instantly- $😍$)
Get Access to These Popular Titles...
$34.97 FREE w/ Membership
$34.97 FREE w/ Membership
$34.97 FREE w/ Membership
$199.97 FREE w/ Membership
Everything You Get In Thrive
The Homeschool Success Framework
What you don't know can hurt your kids.The framework ensures you get this homeschooling thing done right.
5 Zooms per Month
Connect with Christy-Faith live to solve your homeschool challenges face to face.
LIVE Monthly Workshops
Vital masterclasses taught by Christy-Faith or guest expert. This is your professional development.
Direct Messaging w/ Mentors
This alone exceeds the value of your monthly membership.
Office Hours
Separate, dedicated zoom sessions for: Littles, Elementary & Teens. Day and evening sessions.
Supportive Community
Non-sectarian and non-political. Truly a "non-judgy", supportive place.
Free Deliverables
Open & go curriculum supplements.
Thrive Mentors
Lean on 60+ years of collective homeschool experience- there isn't a problem we haven't seen.
Membership Includes Access to the ENTIRE Workshop Library
($💰$ -Hundreds of dollars of content instantly- $😍$)
Here's just a few of our bestsellers you get the moment you join...
$34.97 FREE w/ Membership
$34.97 FREE w/ Membership
$34.97 FREE w/ Membership
$199.97 FREE w/ Membership
Take a Behind the Scenes Tour of Thrive
"You’re in uncharted territory armed with sheer determination. But the stakes are super high. These are our babies! We don’t want to mess up. In Thrive, you'll learn the framework to make a beautiful and successful homeschool."
Meet your guide,
Educational Advisor to A-Listers & Billionaires with a Heart for Homeschool Moms like You

#1 Homeschool Influencer // 300K+ Followers
She's on Tik Tok, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest
20+ Years in Ed
Worked with 1,000s of students & homeschoolers at every level K-College
Prestigious Learning Center & Consulting Firm Founder
Started and ran the most successful center on record
Speaker & Author
Author of Homeschool Rising book published by Wiley
Homeschool Mom & Mentor
Teaches her 4 kids and helps parents like you daily
Thrive Members Say...

Avg. Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Here's your path:

Join Thrive
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Do Welcome Checklist
Your fast-track into Thrive.

Learn The Homeschool
Success Framework
The key to a successful homeschool.

Kiss Anxiety Goodbye
Your homeschool is on track.

Join Thrive
Get instant access.

Complete Welcome Checklist
Your fast-track into Thrive.

Do The Homeschool
Success Framework
The key to a successful homeschool.

Kiss Anxiety Goodbye
Your homeschool is on track.

Why did christy create thrive?
to save you from Self-doubt
to save you From wasting time
to save you Money
1) It costs way more to fix a broken homeschool.
2) Avoid $100s in bad curriculum purchases that will set you back months or even years.
3) Thrive costs less per month than taking your family out to dinner.
4) Christy's advice costs upwards of $500 per hour. Get her world-class expertise for a fraction of the cost.

34 Reviews
Thrive Membership
(it's Risk-Free)
Create a homeschool
your kids will thank you for.
What happens after I buy?
Frequently asked questions
How do I know Thrive is for me?
Who should not join Thrive?
Thrive is for current homeschoolers, veteran homeschoolers, and for any homeschooler who plans to start in the next 12 months. There are 2 people who should not join yet: If your oldest is still a babu (you can wait until they are 2) and moms who are not going to homeschool within the next 12 months (you can wait too).
Memberships are scary. What if I don't like Thrive?
Though we do love you and know we will help you in immense ways, we also don’t want to be where we aren’t wanted. This is why we make it super easy to leave. 30 day money back guarantee. No contracts. Cancel anytime- no questions asked.
Can't I just join a free Facebook group and get what I need?
We hate bad homeschool advice that hurts kids. Bad advice from people who don't know what they are doing. Bad advice that keeps moms and dads from creating successful homeschools. Christy-faith has taught thousands of kids k-college, taught "littles" to read and "biggers" to ace the SAT. She has taught teachers for 20 years and now wants to teach the most invested care-driven, motivated teachers on earth: parents.
I want to homeschool, but my spouse/partner is not convinced. Is this a group for me?
One of the best way to embrace homeschooling is to see it in action and know it well. It's hard to hate things up close (that's Brené Brown I think). Thrive is a wonderful place to get your questions answered and see first-hand how homeschooling works from me, mentors, and moms like you in our community!
Is your group religious?
Nope. The group is non-sectarian. That means people are free to be who they are, without judgement.
What if I can't attend all the zooms?
The group is not designed for you to do everything (there are 5 zooms, after all...we know you love Christy but that's a lot of Christy...) to get your money's worth. If you think you can take advantage of 1-2 of the offerings, that's the goal. Less than that, and It's probably not the group for you.
Is this an in-person community or online?
We are an online community, but you can find members who live in your area and meet them too.