TAKE the survey and help protect our Rights to homeschool 

The anti-homeschool movement hinges their argument on the view that homeschooling parents are not providing their kids with a quality education. 

We proved them wrong 13 years ago and we need to do it again. 

Accurate, up-to-date data is our most powerful ally in the mission to safeguard our rights to homeschool.

You can make the difference by taking a 15 minute survey. 

(100% confidential)

The study concludes Nov. 20, 2023 and they are low on participants. If your homeschooled child took a formal academic achievement test last year, we need you to participate in this critically important survey.

Here's what to do:

1. Set aside 15 minutes in the next few days

2. Complete the study (alone OR in co-working session w/ Christy-Faith)

3. Receive a FREE gift as a thank you for participating (claim gift here)

4. Kindly share this with three individuals who can help share this information with other homeschoolers


About the Study

Who endorses this project?

32 statewide homeschool organizations

The Alliance (The National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership)

NHERI (National Home Education Research Institute)- the nation's leading homeschool research group that has served state organizations across the nation, homeschool families, scholars, the media, courts, policymakers, and the general public for over 30 years (nheri.org).  

Many homeschooling families do not realize that behind the scenes, dedicated researchers and organizations such as The Alliance are tirelessly working in courtrooms, actively combating detrimental legislation. Your data is the lifeblood of this mission, vital for its success.

Remember to share this with other homeschoolers!